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In this experiment students will examine the relationship between air pressure and the perceived loudness of sounds.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resou ...

Use heat to change the air pressure inside a bottle causing a balloon set on top of the bottle to squeeze into it.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resourc ...

Determine whether the amount of air in a soccer ball will affect how far it goes when kicked.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redire ...

In those rare moments when we actually think about the air around us, we typically think of the oxygen that allows us to breathe. But did you know that oxygen makes up only 21% of the Earth’s atmosphe ...

Is the glass half full or half empty? When speaking in terms of matter the glass is always full. A drinking glass without water is said to be “empty”. However, air within the glass is the matter that ...

The air pressure project is designed to teach students the concept of air pressure in a fun way. The goals of the air pressure project are to engage students in a fun activity while teaching them the ...

If you’ve ever been pushed by the wind, you know that the wind might be invisible, but it’s strong. In this experiment, you’ll see how a can reacts when you blow on it with a hair dryer and how it rea ...

This project determines if air pressure will cause a marshmallow to expand when heated in a microwave.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will ...

This project will explore the interaction between air pressure and playing surface in determining a basketball’s bounce.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this r ...

Air pressure is the amount of air being forced against a surface. It's the reason why planes, birds and insects fly. It's the reason why balloons and bubbles float. In this project we find surprising ...